calcium, wheat, grain, growth, hardening, calciophiles, calciophobesAbstract
The paper presented the results of research on influence of calcium ions on the growth processes of cucumber plants of the Konkurent sort, on the growth of grains and meristems of winter wheat plants of the Illichivka sort. It was established that watering the cucumber plants of the Competitor sort with tap water pre-precipitated with Ca+2 by 0.1% oxalic acid solution led to more intense plant growth compared to the control plants that were watered with ordinary tap water with a natural calcium content. Inhibition of the process of Ca+2 ions entering Illichivka winter wheat plants at the beginning of grain formation, which was achieved by spraying the crops with a 0.1% solution of potassium sulfate (K2SO4), contributed to a decrease in the amount of absorbed calcium, as part of it was precipitated by the SO4 anion. At the same time, in the experimental version (with spraying with K2SO4 solution), the weight of 1000 grains was almost 3 grams greater than the weight of 1000 grains in the control version (without spraying with K2SO4). The depressing effect of Ca+2 ions on the growth of meristems of winter wheat of the Illichivka variety during the autumn vegetation period was determined by spraying crops with a 0.1% solution of slaked lime containing Ca+2 ions. As a result, this contributed to better hardening and minor damage to plants during overwintering, as a result of increasing their winter and frost resistance.
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