




vernacular names, nomenclature, biota checklists, Ukrainian zoonomics


The system of knowledge on the formation, unification and establishment of lists of vernacular names of different groups of animals, from local to global levels of description and analysis of biotic diversity is considered. The impetus for the study was the need to develop a system of vernacular names at the level of different taxonomic ranks, from species and genera to families and orders. The needs for the development of naming are determined both by the tasks of streamlining official lists of biota (red, quarantine, alien, etc.) and lists of local biota (reserves, national parks), educational tasks (textbooks, identifiers) and educational tasks (museum expositions, reference books, catalogues, etc.). The author considers the system of stabilisation of the national nomenclature, which makes the names as complete as possible to correspond to international scientific names represented in Latin or Latinised forms. In particular, the tasks of forming lists of uninomial names of genera, the tasks and problems of representing species names in the format of binomials, the principles of unification of superfamily groups with appropriate formants (e.g., “-ovi/ evi” for families and “-like” for orders) are considered in detail. All of these processes lead to the harmonisation of the national nomenclature with the scientific one by bringing the system of vernacular taxon names closer to the scientific ones. However, it is obvious that the development of zoology within any one language cannot keep pace with the dynamics of changes in knowledge about the biotic diversity of not only the planet, but also any one small territory. Therefore, the areas of application of the national nomenclature are (should be) limited to certain limits of expediency, in particular, to those groups or their individual representatives that are objects of special attention The primary tasks in organising vernacular name registers are names for species and higher taxa in reviews of regional fauna, and level of families and higher taxa for the reviews of world fauna.


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