orthostatic, clinostatic test, Ruffier index, cardiac performanceAbstract
The paper presents a study of the functional state of the vegetative regulation of the circulatory system and a study of the working capacity of the heart of students of the Biology Faculty of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. A questionnaire was conducted to establish anthropometric indicators and lifestyle features of students. All respondents consented to the processing and use of personal data. We used orthostatic and clinostatic tests to study the functional state of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. To evaluate the reaction of the cardiovascular system of students to physical activity, we used the Ruffier test. We assessed the functional state of the autonomic regulation of the circulatory system of students of the Faculty of Biology by orthostatic test, we found a weaker reaction in 82.2% of the students who participated in the study (this reaction is characteristic of people with a high level of physical activity), and in 17.8% of the students a stronger reaction was found, which indicates an increased reactivity of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system (characteristic of persons with insufficient physical activity). The analysis results of the clinostatic test showed that the group of students with a good and excellent reaction score prevails in terms of percentage, which is 51.1% and 31.1%, respectively, of the total number of studied students. In 6.7% and 2.2% of the studied persons – poor and very poor evaluation of the reaction. Decreased of the pulse indicates increased reactivity of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, and less – reduced reactivity. Having studied the heart’s performance and reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system of students of the Faculty of Biology, we found that a significant part of students (35.6%) has heart failure based on the values of the Ruffier index. This is probably explained by a decrease in the reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system due to the low physical activity of students.
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