
  • O. SALKA



apple tree, varieties, monitoring, pests, harmfulness


The work presents materials for monitoring dominant pests and their harmfulness in gardens with different technological support in the horticultural zone of Transcarpathia. Stationary experiments on the monitoring of insects on apple trees in an intensive orchard were established at the agricultural company «Konyk» in the village of the guardhouse for red-fleshed apple varieties and the private sector for biologically clean growing technology, old orchards and a nursery for the propagation of apple seedlings. The article provides evaluation materials during 2017–2022 of apple varieties planted in 2005, rootstock M 9: Jonathan Watson, Samared, Edera, Pearl of Kyiv, Braburn, Mutsu, Jonagold, Pinova, Granny Smith, Topaz. Analyzing the species composition of apple tree insects in farms of industrial and agricultural value in the lowland subzone of Transcarpathia, the largest number of Lepidoptera species was noted – 35 species, 12 species of Hymenoptera, and 8 species of thrips. The insect fauna varies greatly both quantitatively and in terms of species composition due to a number of factors. First of all, we should pay tribute to the technological support, where in some years there are no pests at all in industrial gardens of the intensive type, because their appearance is carefully controlled. An important factor in recent years has been stressful weather conditions, lack of moisture in the springsummer period and severe overwetting in the autumn-winter period. During the inspection of a young orchard (6 years old) with intensive maintenance, the summer of the apple fruiteater (32 pcs.), various types of aphids, among which the blood, green and red-headed aphids prevailed. The apple borer remains the most common and very dangerous phytophagous plant of fruit-bearing apple trees. When surveying the garden (14 years), 74 butterflies were caught on baits, and when surveying 100 apples, 2.1% were damaged with one larva. The seasonal start of the flight of the pest’s butterflies occurs when the sum of the effective temperatures of 100–130ºC is reached and coincides with the end of apple blossoming (May 1–6). Embryonic development of the first generation lasts 9–12 days, the second – 7–9 days. The rebirth of caterpillars begins when the sum of effective temperatures reaches 230ºC, in some years from 190 to 280ºC. The caterpillars stay on the surface of the fruit for some time, then bite into the pulp. The summer of butterflies of the 1st generation was celebrated from the end of the third decade of April. The number during the peak flight period was up to 37–74 specimens/trap. When examining a number of apple tree varieties planted in 2005 under the intensive type with M-9 rootstock, a significant level of damage to the varieties was established (Mutsu and Topaz – 6.2%, Perlyna Kyiv – 3.0% and Samared – 4.4% were more resistant). During the period of monitoring the development of harmful organisms (2017–2022), a high level of damage to flowers not only of apple varieties, but also of pears and stone apple trees was established by the apple blossom borer (7.6%), hairy whitefly – 8.7%, leaf curler complex – 5, 5%, apple fruit borer – 5.0%, apple fruit borer – 2.4%, blackbird – 1.3%. Analyzing the level of development of pests in apple orchards, we carried out statistical processing to identify the influence of factors on the level of damage by pests over the past five years. Among the significant influence, the interaction of weather conditions of the year, variety and species composition of the pest, which accounted for 33.2%, should be given an important role. An important factor is the widespread composition of pests in the fruitgrowing zone (24.8%), some varieties have resistance to damage by common pests and this is statistically proven, the influence of this factor is 18.9%. It should be noted that a number of pests noticeably react to stressful weather conditions both positively (for example, the hairy deer and a number of aphids) and negatively (sawflies, caterpillars, soil pests), the impact of this factor is noticeable – 8.7%. A different manifestation of stress resistance to changing weather conditions of the studied apple varieties was also noted, and a different manifestation of drought resistance was also established here, because during the vegetation period of the last year of the research, a prolonged drought was observed with a HTC of 0.1 in May and 0.3 in June and July. The share of this factor in the level of damage to varieties by pests is 6.9%. Analyzing the level of damage to varieties by pests depending on the hydrothermal coefficient in April at the beginning of the growing season of the host and the compliance of the conditions for the development of the pest and in August at the end of the growing season, we conducted a regression analysis and established a close relationship between the level of damage to apple varieties from the hydrothermal coefficient. The dependence is linear and is described by the equation y = 1.1644 x +3.7033, where y is the level of damage (%); x – hydrothermal coefficient (in April). Thus, with an increase in the amount of damage to all parts of trees, the hydrothermal coefficient increases proportionally. The same picture is observed in August, where the development of the second generation of the pest is observed under favorable conditions of development. Therefore, the temperature and humidity of the air, and for soil pests and the soil is especially important as a factor that limits the activity of some species, and stimulates some to more active reproduction and more aggressiveness. Changes in average air temperature affect changes in insect phenology. The earlier appearance of some types of insects in the spring and their longer activity are the most characteristic symptoms of global warming.


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