Peculiarities of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation of patients with spine disease after surgical intervention in connection with duodenal ulcer diseas




osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, comorbid pathology, sanatorium-resort rehabilitation.


The aim is to theoretically substantiate and improve the means of sanatorium-resort therapy for patients who underwent surgery in connection with duodenal ulcer and who suffer from osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Materials and methods. The research was conducted in 30 patients who underwent surgical intervention because of duodenal ulcer disease and who suffer from degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbar spine, who were undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment in the “Orlyne hnizdo” sanatorium. The age of the patients was from 45 to 55 years. To assess the functional state of the spine, tests were performed: determining the spine flexibility in the lumbar region when the body is bent forward, the Schober test, and the endurance of the abdominal muscles. The stomach functional state was studied by intragastric pH-metry. A psychological examination was conducted using a questionnaire for determining neuroticism by H. Eysenck and a shortened version of Beck’s depression selfassessment scale. The comprehensive rehabilitation program included: therapeutic gymnastics, internal intake of Polyana Kvasova mineral water, rehabilitation massage, bischofite baths. amplipulstherapy on the epigastrium, ozokerite on the lower back, exercises on the Yevminov prophylactic, underwater shower, massage of the back and abdomen. The results. As a result of the comprehensive rehabilitation measures, along with the improvement of the clinical picture, there was an improvement in the modility of the spine from laboratory methods of research, namely: indicators of the mobility of the spine from the starting position while standing with the trunk bent forward, Schober’s test, PH-metry. Mobility of the spine from the starting position while standing with the body bent forward was normalized in 57.6% of patients. The spine flexibility in the lumbar region when the Shober test was repeated increased from 5.25 ± 0.18 cm to 7.09 ± 0.14 cm, which is the lower limit of normal. Improvement of the results of abdominal muscles endurance increased by 10.1 seconds. The pH level of the stomach body and antrum credibly decreased. Conclusions. The developed complex program of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation is aimed at simultaneously improving clinical indicators, the functional state of the spine, and the digestive system in patients with comorbid pathology, at the same time normalizing the psycho-emotional state and increasing the working capacity of patients.


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