
  • P. Maistuk
  • H. Pruts
  • Yu. Mochalov

Ключові слова:

endodonto-endoossal implant (EEI), periodontitis, people of young age, Transcarpathian region, effectiveness evaluation, root apex resection (RAR), bone density, HU (Hounsfield Unit), Periotest, conventional units (CU)


Despite the rapid development of materials and treatment methods for caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis), its prevalence among the Ukrainian population remains high. Significant prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis, which is accompanied by the destruction of the alveolar bone part, leads to the need for surgical treatment of the disease (resection of the tooth root apex) for the preservation of teeth, especially the frontal group. Known ways to improve the biological parameters of teeth after surgical resection of the root top are their reinforcement with the help of endodonto-endoossal implants. This study shows the evaluation of the effectiveness of surgical treatment with the use of advanced endodonto-endoossal implants among young people who live in the Transcarpathian region. Data analysis of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed method of surgical treatment of patients has made it possible to establish its high efficiency and recommend it as a method of choice.


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