
  • В.С. Мельник
  • Л.Ф. Горзов

Ключові слова:

adolescents, dermatoglyphics, discriminant analysis, dentognathic anomalies


Violations in the development of the dentognathic apparatus damage not only the health of the child, but also adversely affect its adaptation in the social environment. According to many studies, the prevalence of dentognathic anomalies in the structure of dental morbidity is in third place after caries of teeth and pathology of periodontal tissues. The article establishes the variability of qualitative and quantitative features of finger and palmar dermatoglify in adolescents with dentognathicanomalies and practically healthy persons aged 12 to 15 years.By discriminatory models, which, with the help of dermatological indicators, allow the adolescents to divide the healthy and dentognathic anomalies, the most commonly included are: the type of pattern on the fingers of the left hand and the magnitude of the angles on the right hand. The set of detected morphogenetic variants of dermatological features in adolescents with dentognathic anomalies creates a typological model of dermatoglyphics characteristic of this disease.


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