
  • L.A. Gleba
  • V.P. Feketa
  • K.P. Meleha
  • O.S. Palamarchuk

Ключові слова:

autonomic nervous system, heart rate variability, diaphragmatic breathing, breathing exercises, biofeedback devices


The influence of deep diaphragmatic breathing in biofeedback mode using handheld computer devices StressEraser ("Helicor", USA), EmWave2 ("Heartmath", USA) and MyCalmBeat (USA) on heart rate variability in healthy young men was investigated. It was established that breathing exercises lasting of about 15 minutes significantly affect the functional state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). According to the heart rate variability, the deep breathing increases the overall tone of ANS activity and redistributed the relationship between its central and peripheral parts. The most effective influence on the functional state of ANS provides the device StressEraser.


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