
  • D. Fedorov

Ключові слова:

individual anatomical variability, dura mater of brain, arteries of dura mater of the brain


The purpose of investigation is to study the individual peculiarities of arterial blood flow, dura mater of human brain, depending on the shape of the head. Material and methods. The work is based on the results of the research of 100 preparations of the brain, taken from people of different age, sex and shape of the head during pathological autopsies. Results. It has been studied the main sources of blood supply to surface membrane. It has been detected individual anatomical differences in the diameter and in the length of brainstems of main minengeal membrane arteries depending on the shape of the head. Conclusion. Short headed persons have the biggest indexes of brainstem diameter of membrane arteries. Long headed persons have the biggest indexes of the main brainstem arteries.


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