institution of higher education‚ independent work of the student‚ pedagogical conditions‚ pedagogical disciplines‚ classroom and extracurricular workAbstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of the organization of independent work in a higher education institution as one of the forms of educational activity. On the basis of context analysis as a method of pedagogical research, the key concepts of the topic of the article were formulated. The author presents her own interpretation of individual definitions: independent work of a student in the conditions of university education is a form of organization of the educational process, which involves the interrelated activities of a student of higher education and a scientific-pedagogical worker to realize the goal of the Educational-professional program of training a future specialist; the organization of Independent work of students – a set of organizational (theme, amount of hours), didactic (methods, techniques, teaching aids) components with the aim of mastering competencies in the process of independent activity of a higher education student; independence as a set of cognitive knowledge, skills that will contribute to the development of the individual in the conditions of transformational (scientific, technical) processes in the global space throughout the entire professional activity; pedagogical condition is a set of necessary factors, under which the components of the educational process and their integrity are ensured by modeling the content, methods and forms of education for the purpose of forming a competent personality. The purpose of the article is to determine the pedagogical conditions for the organization of students' independent work in the process of teaching pedagogical disciplines in university conditions. Based on the analysis of scientific pedagogical literature, the tasks were to formulate the key concepts of the study, to determine the pedagogical conditions for the organization of the Independent work of students, and to demonstrate examples of their implementation. In the process of researching the organization of the Independent work of students, pedagogical conditions, ensuring the competence approach in determining the content of the tasks of the independent work of students were singled out; technologization of the educational process; individualization of students' independent work. Implementation of each of the pedagogical conditions is demonstrated on concrete examples.
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