


digital competence, computer science, pedagogical conditions, cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, programming, interactive learning


The article examines the current state of digital competence among high school students and identifies the key organizational and pedagogical conditions for its development in computer science lessons. The proposed model includes components aimed at achieving a high level of digital competence among students, taking into account their individual needs and interests. The implementation of this model requires a comprehensive approach and active participation of all stakeholders in the educational process. Research findings indicate that the level of digital competence among high school students is uneven. A significant portion of students possesses basic computer and internet skills but struggles with more complex tasks such as programming, data analysis, or developing digital projects. This highlights the need to enhance the formation of comprehensive digital competence within the computer science curriculum. Developing digital competence in high school students requires creating specific organizational and pedagogical conditions. These conditions include the integration of digital technologies into the educational process. This will be facilitated by improving teacher qualifications, developing and implementing new educational programs, individualizing learning, and motivating students to study computer science. The model for developing digital competence in high school students during computer science lessons includes several important components. It involves clearly defining the goals and objectives that outline the competencies to be developed during the learning process. Developing educational modules is necessary to cover all aspects of digital competence. Methodological support includes lectures, practical exercises, projects, group work, and discussions that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge by students. Regular assessment of digital competence levels and providing feedback allow for adjusting the educational process to achieve better results. Extracurricular activities contribute to deepening students’ interest in information technology and their further development.


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