basketball, sports school, group, sports selection, initial trainingAbstract
The proposed article researches the organizational and methodical principles of sports selection for the basketball groups of sports school, and formulates practical recommendations for improving the quality of such selection. The author showed that, in general, this selection includes both medical-biological and socio-pedagogical aspects, and it should be carried out on the basis of the methodological principles of integrated approach, consistency and selectivity, diagnosis of the ability to further education and sports training. The article contains a general description of initial selection, and within this selection, it recommends giving preference to organized (planned) and standardized options, but giving coaches relatively broad authority to determine the framework of tests for identifying basketball qualities. The author pays special attention to the importance of applying a comprehensive approach to the search of key selection criteria, as well as indicators that may indicate the presence of specific basketball abilities in children. As part of such an approach, it is recommended to include in the structure of sports selection an agitation work, preview of children in preschool and general educational institutions, anamnesis (previous work with parents and children), diagnosis of game activity (using model tests based on mobile games), of children interests and level of expectation, and their abilities for game interaction, as well as medical expertise. The degree of basketball giftedness can be determined with the help of special basketball model tests, which are proposed to be used in addition to the diagnosis of game activity. The author also recommends the comprehensive using of such basic initial selection criteria as morphological features (body length, body type, etc.), motor qualities (running speed, coordination of movements, vestibular stability, feeling of the ball, etc.) and psychological features (emotional stability, operational thinking, prediction reaction, etc.). Anthropometric measurements, tests of functional state and physical fitness, means of determining abilities for game activities, game tests for determining the degree of giftedness in the basketball game were noted among the main means of sports selection for the basketball groups of sports school.
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