


hand-to-hand combat, methodology, systematic approach, concept, principles, methods


The article considers a systematic approach, as a function of managing the system of training athletes, which is the methodological basis for the formation of a belt system for assessing the level of preparedness in hand-to-hand combat. The use of a system approach in various fields of knowledge is a generally recognized tool for building hypotheses, developing principles for solving specific applied problems, and building theoretical models and theories. Practice shows that more and more often, from the empirical way of improving the training process, which is based on practical experience, experts in the field of sports turn to the complex and systematic substantiation of hypotheses and theoretical principles of building training activities based on deduction [Modern views on the system of martial arts training dictate the need to study new ways quality construction of the training system taking into account European and world development trends. The purpose of the article became the wrapping of a systemic approach, aimed at the formation of a comprehensive system for assessing the level of preparedness in handto- hand combat, taking into account European and world trends in the development of martial arts. The tasks of the research were: development of a structure and implementation algorithm for the formation of a belt system for assessing the level of preparedness in hand-to-hand combat. Determination of specific principles, stages, methods of solving complex problems of a systemic approach to the formation of a belt system for assessing the level of preparedness in hand-to-hand combat, taking into account the specifics of the sport. The system methodology is the most orderly and reliable basis for the formation of a belt system for evaluating the level of training of hand-to-hand combatants, allowing to reveal and analyze the constituent components of the training system and to consistently combine them with each other. In the field of physical culture and sports, such terms as the system of physical education, the system of sports training, and the system of assessing the level of preparedness are used. Considering the systematic approach as a means of optimizing the training process in the belt training system, methodological principles are identified that ensure the systematic orientation of research and practical knowledge of the object. The methods that implement the principles of system analysis are aimed at formalizing the system research process, the process of setting and solving the problem. At each stage of system analysis, various methods and techniques are used, the content of which depends on the essence of the task. The presented data can be considered as one of the prerequisites for the development and implementation of the concept of the use of physical culture and health technology for schoolchildren with visual impairments in the process of adaptive physical education.


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