communicative competence, competence formation, specialists, applied linguistics, competence approachAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of communicative competence in future specialists of applied linguistics. The essence of the following key research concepts is covered: communicative competence, formation of communicative competence, applied linguistics. It is pointed out that the formation of communicative competence in future specialists of applied linguistics is particularly relevant, as applied linguistics uses modern communication tools and technologies, and aims to improve foreign language communicative competence in future specialists. It is stated that communication and communicative competence are integral components of the personal and professional development of modern specialists, including future specialists in applied linguistics, which effectively influence the improvement of their knowledge, skills and abilities throughout life. Scientific studies and publications are analysed, based on which it is found that currently there is no scientific research containing single definitions related to the concepts of “communicative competence” and “formation of communicative competence”, thus these issues require further coverage. It is found that the majority of scientists define the concept of “applied linguistics” as a specialty aimed at solving practical problems mainly in the field of linguistics, translation studies and computer technologies. In the course of research, it is established that in the foreign scientific discourse the applied linguistics concentrates on the problems of language education, while in the domestic educational system ‒ on the problems of computer linguistics, which requires further research, including for the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of future specialists in applied linguistics in the labour market.
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