


student-oriented learning, educational process, Master's degree in physical therapy, occupational therapy, teaching methods, professional competence


The article reveals ways of implementation of student-centered learning as a basic principle in the preparation of Masters in physical therapy and occupational therapy. It was found out that student-oriented learning is interpreted as an approach to the organization of the educational process, which involves encouraging higher education seekers to play the role of autonomous and responsible subjects of the educational process; creation of an educational environment focused on meeting the needs and interests of those seeking higher education, in particular, providing opportunities for the formation of an individual educational trajectory; building the educational process on the basis of mutual respect and partnership between the participants of the educational process. This involves the performance of a number of tasks, among which is a selection of learning technologies for subject-subject relationships between participants of pedagogical activities aimed at the individual. Student-centered learning as a pedagogical category is a complex concept that includes organizational, pedagogical, and methodical principles. Student-oriented learning in the process of teaching the discipline ‘Pedagogy and psychology of higher education’ for Masters in physical therapy, occupational therapy has been revealed. We consider student-oriented education as the one that is aimed at the realization of the components of professional competence, which are based on knowledge, practical skills, values, self-educational activities carried out on the basis of partnership pedagogy. Emphasis is placed on the application of innovative teaching methods: personal-oriented, professionally integrated, interactive, dialogic-communicative, distance, project-based. The educational process in higher education institutions is traditionally carried out in the form of lectures, practical, laboratory work, independent work of students. Modern computer technologies, new teaching tools make it possible to modernize them, improve them with innovative methods that will strengthen student-oriented learning. Examples of the application of certain teaching methods in classes on the discipline ‘Pedagogy and psychology of higher education’ were given. It was determined that the formation of values of students of higher education is a complex and systematic process, which is carried out both in classroom training through mandatory and selective components, and in extracurricular activities.


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