


teaching model, cooperation model, elementary school, inclusive class, speech competence


The article deals with the issue of the model of cooperation between a teacher and a teacher’s assistant in elementary school in classes with inclusive education for the purpose of forming speech competence. The relevance of the problem, as well as its goal and task, was formulated. The purpose of the article was to find out the model of pedagogical cooperation between a teacher and a teacher’s assistant, aimed at the formation of speech competence of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusive education. The tasks were: determination of models of cooperation between a teacher’s assistant and a teacher in classes with inclusive education and a presentation of one’s own vision of the formation of speech competence of children with intellectual disabilities. The formation of speech competence consists of the ability to listen, perceive and reproduce information, read and understand the text, conduct dialogue, participate in discussions, convince and defend one’s point of view, express one’s own thoughts, considerations, views in oral and written forms. Modern scientific searches of scientists regarding models of cooperation were analysed. It was found out that these researches were aimed at determining the specifics of working with children with special needs, clarifying the models, forms, methods of cooperation of the support team, including the teacher and the teacher’s assistant. Different positions on cooperation are indicated: pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a student, team cooperation between a teacher and a teacher’s assistant in classes with inclusive education. The author’s vision of a model of pedagogical cooperation between a teacher and a teacher’s assistant for the purpose of forming speaking competence in younger schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusive education was formulated. It includes innovative methods and means of learning, a system of training exercises of reproductive and creative-productive direction, corrective tasks to ensure the development of four types of speech activity. The author believes that this can be realized in the process of creating a joint methodical portfolio by teachers. The system of tasks should be developed at the following levels: lexical and orthoepic, phrase level, sentence, text in two directions – dialogic and monologic.


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