
  • A.V. Bokoch
  • Y.Y. Kostenko

Ключові слова:

functional and esthetic rehabilitation, veneers, DSD-principles


The rehabilitation of an unesthetic smile in the anterior maxilla is always a clinical challenge, especially when an improper shape and size, old restorations, and unesthetic shading are present. In addition, an irregular gingival zenith contour in the anterior maxilla can affect the smile's harmony. Thus, detailed treatment planning is needed to define a functional and esthetic prosthetic rehabilitation. This study describes a clinical case in which a 38-year-old woman was rehabilitated using principles of Digital Smile Design planning and ceramic veneers guided by microinvasive preparation in the anterior zone of the maxilla. To normalize the gingival contour was done diathermocoagulation procedure with the immobilization of gingival level. Next steps included micropreparation, provinalization and fixation of completed veneers. Complex integral approach demonstrated in this clinical cases contributes to the achievement of successful functional and clinical results, that meet patient personal expectations.


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