
  • Yu. A. Labiy
  • G. M. Melnychuk


children, systemic enamel hypoplasia, immunoglobulins of A-, M-, G- classes, environmental pollution


The immune system of the child suffers from an effect of wide range of xenobiotics from polluted environment. This indirectly affects the function of bone, endocrine and other systems of the body, which leads to the imbalance of adaptation processes and chronic pathological conditions, including systemic enamel hypoplasia (SEH) of teeth. Levels of immunoglobulins of A-, M-, G- classes in blood plasma were defined by radial immunodiffusion to study the state of healthy children immunity from relatively clean district of Ivano-Frankivsk region and to establish the interrelation between the level of immunoglobulins in the blood plasma that are responsible for humoral immunity of children suffering from SEH and nature of their habitat contamination. The study involved 133 children suffering from SEH, who live in different by nature of anthropogenic pollution parts of Ivano-Frankivsk region, and 63 children from relatively pure area which was selected as a control one. It was found a significant decrease of immunoglobulin indicators of all classes in blood plasma of residents from contaminated districts in comparison with the data of residents from conditionally clean district. It was found a dependence of the level of immunoglobulins on the type of pollution. The least affected is the immune system of children, living in district, contaminated with inhalant xenobiotics. The worst state of the immune system was found in children, residents of the district with chemical and radiological nature of anthropogenic load, that indicates an extremely harmful effects of combined contaminations on the child's organism. The founded regularities allow to develop the complex of measures for the treatment and prevention of adaptation processes violations, which can lead to the formation of tooth enamel defects.


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