
  • О.В. Клітинська
  • А.А. Васько
  • В.О. Бородач
  • Д.В. Цуканов
  • Н.В. Лайош


pediatric dentistry, caries, permanent teeth, composite material, composite material, statistical substantiation


The article gives an analysis of the choice of restorative materials based on the results of clinical and laboratory studies of a number of parameters that have a decisive role in restoring the lost solid tissues of permanent teeth in children. The following filling materials were used to determine the optimal efficiency of the use of reducing materials: composite material Polofil Supra (VOCO, Germany) and Dyract eXtra (Densply, USA). Among the parameters to be analyzed, optimization of the choice of the restorative material was: the condition of the root formation, the group membership of the tooth, the depth and topography of the carious cavity, the pH of saliva, the degree of acidity of the enamel, taking into account the types of adhesion of the restorative materials to the hard tissues of the tooth.


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