
  • O. M. Doroshenko
  • O. F Sirenko
  • O. M. Stupnytska


dental education, primary specialization, interns, learning monitoring system, integrated licensing exam


There is a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance ofcompetency-basedtesting formats in dental education. A key aspect of learning process in Dentistry is the ability of applying theoretical knowledge to clinical approach with advanced development of practical skills. It has previously been observed that usage of the multiple-choice questionnaire can lead to superficial learning. The main disadvantage of such assessment is that theoretical knowledge is more important than practicalskills and passiverecognition is possible because of givencorrect responses. The specific objective of this study was to discoverthe ways of improving the test context for developing clinical reasoning, professional thinking and self-confidence.
professional thinking and self-confidence. 


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