Intracoronal pre-eruptive dentine resorption: data on prevalence, diagnosis and treatment




intracoronal pre-eruptive resorption of dentin, treatment, diagnosis, literature review.


The article provides data on the prevalence, features of diagnosis and classification of intracoronal pre-eruptive resorption of dentin, and also analyzes the main approaches for the treatment of this lesion. It was determined that most often pre-eruptive defects of dentin are noted in children during the period of mixed dentition in the area of the mandibular teeth. In the course of the literature review, it was not possible to find statistically significant associations between the frequency of pre-eruptive intracoronal dentin resorption identification and the parameters of age, gender, general somatic disorders, the influence of systemic factors, and the quality of preventive measures implementation. The analysis of the available data allowed us to establish that the prevalence of pre-eruptive intracoronal resorption of dentin among dental patients according to the data of cone-beam computed tomography exceeds such registered with orthopantomography. The pattern of progression of intracoronal pre-eruptive resorption may be limited only to the area of coronal dentine, but in some cases it resembles the pattern of progression of external cervical resorption; in addition, as a result of the lesion progression the integrity of the enamel and cement may be violated. After the selected publications procession, it was determined that the priority method of treatment for intracoronal pre-eruptive resorption of dentin, regardless of the stage of tooth development, is a conservative approach, which includes monitoring and preventive performance of sealing or restoration; in some cases, it is possible to carry out more invasive interventions involving indirect pulp coverage, endodontic treatment and extraction of the problematic tooth. The patient should be informed about the risk of developing cracks and fractures in enamel and dentin structures, when implementing non-invasive methods of treatment and prevention of complications during intracoronal pre-eruptive resorption. Recurrences of intracoronal dentine resorption after invasive therapeutic intervention were not noted in the literature.


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