Scheme of diagnosis of acute pulpitis of temporary teeth




temporary teeth, acute pulpitis, pain, research methods, diagnostic criteria.


The diagnosis of pulpitis is still not sufficiently developed, and the doctor does not have really reliable rational methods of anesthetizing the pulp. The proposed antibiotic therapy is often ineffective, which can cause complications. In turn, the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the adequate choice of the treatment method and the professional competence of the doctor. Subjective feelings that arise in children may not always be correctly analyzed. Also children may react inadequately when conducting basic research methods, which leads to incorrect diagnosis and, as a result, to an irrational choice of treatment method. Thus, most of the difficulties in the diagnosis of pulpitis in children are the small number of subjective characteristics and the dubious nature of the child’s complaints. When applying additional research methods, for example, thermodiagnostics and electro-odontodiagnostics, the child receives additional painful sensations. In addition, these methods can give significant differences in the results of sensitivity measurements – sometimes 100% on the same tooth. In cases of pulpitis of temporary teeth, the diagnosis of acute inflammation is complicated by the fact that children of preschool age often cannot accurately assess their condition, the nature of pain sensations, the duration and localization of pain, which leads to a false diagnosis. At the same time, when using X-ray examination – radiography – a conclusion about the state of the pulp is not made, but it is only possible to note the distance of the carious cavity to the pulp chamber. Therefore, clinical and diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of pulpitis in children, corresponding to the task, are practically absent. This problem is also affected by different non-specific reactivity of the body and differences in the structure of the pulp in different age periods of children and adolescents. A timely diagnosis, and subsequently the correct choice of the treatment method, are carried out in order to ensure the growth of the alveolar part and preserve the space for permanent teeth, avoiding injury to their buds. The main task of the study was to create an algorithm for the diagnosis of acute pulpitis of temporary teeth, based on the data of the anamnesis of the disease and additional research methods.


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