Microbiological aspects of the course and treatment of complicated pericoronaritis





pericoronaritis, dentistry, microbiome, individual correction, microscopy, antibiotic therapy, antibiotic resistance, microbiocenosis.


The oral cavity is one of the most inhabited biotopes in the human body. Scientific studies show that there is a correlation between certain types of microorganisms and various diseases of the oral cavity. The question of the bacterial spectrum of the oral cavity in conditions of pericoronaritis and its impact on the patient's health as a whole remains insufficiently studied. In the course of the study, it was established that there is a need to make corrections in the algorithm for providing dental care to patients with pericoronaritis, taking into account individualized correction of therapy. The research solves the problem of improving the efficiency and quality of treatment of patients with pericoronaritis by correcting treatment algorithms taking into account the individual parameters of the oral microbiota.


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