Characteristics of the fertility rate in Transcarpathian region in the pre-war period




transcarpathian region, fertility, indices, age fertility rates, average life expectancy at birth.


The article presents the analysis of fertility indices in Transcarpathian region in the pre-war period (2015-2021). The results obtained during the study indicate a decrease in the rate of live births per thousand of the current population in the region by 3.2 (1.32 times), which amounted to 10.1 in 2021. The total fertility rate per woman decreased by 0.283 and in 2021 amounted to 1.534. The decrease of fertility rate was registered in women of the age group 19-39 years and in the age group 40-49 years the trend to the increase of this criterion was registered. The percentage of live births from mothers who are not officially married to the total number of live births composed 24.3%, including 32.8% in cities and 19.6% in rural areas. The average life expectancy at birth of all children decreased by 1.21 years to 69.45 years.


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