Complications during the extraction of the third molars of the lower jaw (literature review)




lower third molar, complications, tooth extraction operation, mandible, bone tissue


Despite significant advances in dental practice, removal of third molars still carries the risk of intra- and post-operative complications. So far, there is no clear distribution of types of complications during the extraction of third molars depending on its spatial orientation in the bone. Research methodology and methods. We analyzed scientific data from domestic and foreign sources regarding the types of complications after the removal of the lower third molars. Presentation of the main research material. Understanding the anatomical features of the surrounding structures and the causes of extraction complications of the affected tooth is important for effective tooth extraction with minimal risk of complications. Extraction methods with the use of appropriate surgical protocols and the correct technical approach make it possible to effectively carry out these procedures and reduce the frequency of intraoperative and postoperative complications. Intra- and postoperative complications associated with the mandibular third molar extraction procedure are 1.1% and include alveolar osteitis (alveolitis), inferior alveolar and lingual nerve injuries, bleeding, and infectious complications. Other less common complications are periodontal pocket formation distal to the second molar, mandibular fracture, and damage of adjacent teeth. One of the frequent complications of the lower third molar extraction is pain and swelling of the facial soft tissues. The frequency of postoperative bleeding after the extraction of the mandibular third molars is 0.6%, and after the extraction of the maxillar third molars – 0.4%. Postoperative prolonged bleeding resulting from removal of mandibular molars is more common (80%) than bleeding from removal of upper molars (20%) due to the rich vascular bed of the floor of the mouth. Conclusion from the study. The analysis of the data proved that currently domestic and foreign dental practice does not have any method that reliably guarantees the absence of intra- and postoperative complications or minimizes them.


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