Possibilities of using adapted discriminant model for caries intensity levels prognosis among monozygotic twins





caries, monozygotic twins, discriminative analysis


The article highlights data on the definition to determine the prognostic significance of the adapted discriminant model for predicting caries intensity levels among monozygotic twins of various age groups. Discriminant analysis, conducted among monozygotic twins aged 18-25 years, made it possible to stratify the following indicators of the studied parameters, which can be categorized as classifiers for cases with high caries intensity: TER-test=9,44, OHI-S=1,96, frequency of brushing teeth – 1,22, frequency of visits to the dentist during the year – 0,77, number of meals per day – 1,89, concentration of S.mutans – 1,47 (in terms of the representation coefficient), concentration of S. salivarius - 8,68 (in terms of the representation coefficient). It was determined that in order to ensure the proper level of differentiation forvarious categories of caries intensity in groups of monozygotic twins, it is advisable to form research samples of a sufficient volume, since the insufficient number of research objects excludes the possibility of statistically significant objectification for the difference between the actual values of DFM and those predicted by the results of discriminant analysis during the implementation of a correspondingly adjusted statistical model. The analysis of the indicators of the TER test, the OHI-S index, the frequency of brushing teeth, the frequency of visits to the dentist during the year for preventive purposes, the number of meals per day, the concentration of S. mutans and S. salivarius as components of the discriminant model ensured the correct discrimination of persons with a high level caries intensity in 100% of analyzed clinical cases, with moderate caries intensity in 93% of clinical cases, and with low caries intensity in 75% of clinical cases within monozygotic twins of age subgroup 18-25 years old.


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