Comparative study of the marginal adaptation quality in dental photocomposite materials for sealing fissures and pits of teeth




teeth, caries, prevention, sealing, fissures and pits, photocomposite, quality of adhesion


Introduction. Today, fissure sealing is recognized as one of the most effective methods of exogenous dental caries prevention in pediatric and adult dentistry. Such recommendations are based on clinical and population studies. Achieving an optimal level of enamel adhesion and isolation by the sealant is a leading requirement for such materials, especially for composite and compomer enamel sealants. The aim of the study: to investigate microleakage in three modern photocomposite materials for sealing dental fissures. Materials and methods. A comparative study was performed for three materials – “Fissurit FX” (VOCO), “Clinpro™ Sealant” (3M™ ESPE™) and “Jen-Fissufil” (Jendental-Ukraine LLC). Each of the sealants was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions to the fissures of 10 extracted human molars. A day later, the teeth were thermocycled and further placed for 24 hours in a solution of methylene blue. Enamel sections were examined under a light microscope. The results of study and discussion. All the studied materials showed signs of microleakage, but the degree of its severity differed. In general, the best penetration into the depth of the fissure was found in “Jen-Fissufil” (2.60±0.56, M=3.00 points). The average score was slightly lower in “Clinpro™ Sealant” – 2.50±0.50 (M=2.50), and the lowest – in “Fissurit FX” (2.00±0.80, M=2.00) . A number of cases of preservation of adhesion of the material to the enamel (absence of microleaks) in the studied materials differed slightly – 3 out of 10 samples of the “Clinpro™ Sealant” sealant did not have microleaks, 4 samples out of 10 of the “Fissurit FX” sealant did not have microleaks, and, accordingly, half of the samples “Jen-Fissufil” had no microleakage. Evaluation of the degree of penetration of the sealant into fissures and microleaks in the samples in which dye penetration was detected between the enamel and the mass of the sealant also did not reveal significant differences between the three materials. Conclusions: The study of the level of penetration of the material into the tooth fissure and microleakage (quality of marginal adaptation) in three modern photocomposite sealants for enamel showed similar results in laboratory conditions. “Jen-Fissufil” showed the lowest conditional level of microleakage and the best penetration into tooth fissures. Statistical tests showed no significant difference in the results of the application of all three materials.


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