Conceptual approaches to the provision of medical devices in the course of creating a capable network of health care institutions on the basis of the national classifier of medical devices




health care institutions, capable network, medical devices, national classifier, approaches to provision


Goal of research: to propose conceptual approaches to providing the health care system in the course of creating a capable network with medical devices on the basis of the National Classifier of Medical Devices. Materials and methods. Materials: legislative documents on the reform of health care system in Ukraine and the National Classifier of Medical Devices and packages of medical services under the program of medical guarantees. Methods: bibliosemantic, of content analysis, of structural-and-logical analysis, of conceptual modeling. Results. It is demonstrated that in the course of reforming the health care system, cluster, supercluster and general hospitals are created. At the same time, the Equipment Lists for health care institutions have not been approved. The provision of health care institutions is regulated by the National Health Service of Ukraine. It is shown that this mechanism is imperfect. Conclusions. Conceptual approaches to providing newly created health care institutions with medical devices are presented.


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