Interrelationships of clinical and laboratory indicators of periostatus of patients who are residents of territories with different levels of residual radiation pollution




ionizing radiation, periodontal tissues, periodontitis, microbiological profile, immunological homeostasis, oral cavity, non-surgical periodontal treatment


Diseases of periodontal tissues due to its high sensitivity of structural components to the influence of anthropogenic factors continue to occupy a leading place in prevalence among the population. This situation is the result of complex and deep disturbances of many biochemical, immunological and endocrine reactions, as a result of endogenous and exogenous influences. Among the etiopathogenetic factors that lead to the occurrence of generalized periodontitis are metabolic disorders and violations of the structural and functional state of the bone tissue of the alveolar process as a result of the action of both local factors (unbalance of cytokine status) and hormonal imbalance. It is accepted that the action of ionizing radiation can have an initiating, accelerating and modifying effect both on the manifestations and course of general somatic diseases, and have a direct effect on the dental status of patients who are residents of an environmentally unfavorable area. In the course of a complex diagnosis of the dental status of patients permanently living in a radiation-contaminated territory, a number of clinical (depth of probing, level of loss of epithelial attachment, level of interproximal bone tissue loss, assessment of bleeding during probing, hygienic and periodontal indices) and laboratory ( concentration of calcium and phosphorus levels in saliva, levels of IL-1b, IL-4, indicators of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microbiom of the oral cavity) parameters which, after systematization and appropriate statistical processing using regression analysis methods, became one of the approaches for selecting the most clinically optimized algorithms for periodontal interventions, and also became the basis for creating an adapted prognostic model of the success of future periodontal treatment, taking into account the significance of the initial relationships.


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