Analysis of dental status in patients from different age groups residents of the Ternopil region




dental examination, condition of lips, tongue, mucous membrane of the oral cavity, residents of Ternopil region


Introduction. The study of dental status is important for establishing the statistical and epidemiological factors of the development of morbidity. Materials and methods. 80 people, residents of Ternopil region, who underwent external and intraoral dental examination, were subject to examination. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using generally accepted methods of mathematical statistics, calculations were carried out using licensed programs “MS Excel 7” for the operating system “Windows” and the standard program package “STATISTICA” v. 6.0. The aim of the study. To analyze the dental status of patients of different age groups, residents of the Ternopil region. Results and their discussion. When conducting a dental examination of residents of the Ternopil region, the prevalence of the middle hairline was established in 41.2% (Ск=0.93, р<0.05), high attachment of the frenum of the lower lip in 51.2%, the prominence of the nasolabial fold and chin fold in 38.8%, facial asymmetry in 35.0%, lip closure line not paralel to the pupil line in 46.3% and shortened height of the lower third of the face in 30.0%. Conclusion. The normal state of the lips was diagnosed in 46.3% (Sk=0.91, p<0.05); hyperemia and swelling of the tongue in 47.5%; papillae of the tongue are hyperemic in 47.5% (Sk=0.71, p<0.05); the gingival margin is swollen and hyperemic in 85.0%; bright red and swollen mucous membrane of the oral cavity in 60.0%, among the elements of the lesion, the prevalence of blisters was noted in 60.0% and aphthous in 90.0% of the examined.


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