Requirements for execution

Technical requirements for articles:

An article is presented in the *.doc, *.docx format (MS Word): Times New Roman, 14 fs, line spacing 1,5. Margins: left, top, bottom – 2.5, right – 2 cm. Paragraph indention – 1.25 cm.

Language: Ukrainian, Slovak, English.

The minimum volume of the original article is 6 pages, the review article is 12 pages.

1. The UDC index is placed above the article’s title on a separate line in the upper left corner.

2. The next line provides information about the author: on the right (right-aligned text, bold, italics) – the author’s name and surname; line below, in italics – academic degree and rank, position and affiliation, ORCID number (; line below, in italics – city, country.

3. The name is centered.

4. Abstracts are written in two languages (Ukrainian (Slovak) and English). The length of the annotation: at least 1,800 characters each. Abstracts should fully correspond to each other and contain a brief introduction, the purpose of the study, materials and methods, research results and their discussion, and conclusions. The first place is the abstract in the language in which the article is written. Keywords are presented in the nominative case, are not duplicated in the title, correspond to the content of the work, separated by commas.

Before the abstract in English, information about the authors is placed (last name, first name, patronymic of the author; scientific degree and academic title, position, full name of the place of work and/or study; e-mail address, ORCID participant ID; city, country) and name articles in English.

5. The article should contain the following structural elements in bold:

Introduction, which contains problem statement of and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks, analysis of recent research and publications, which have initiated problem solution and on which the author relies, specification of previously unsolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to; goal setting (task setting);


Results and Discussion – presentation of original research material with a full substantiation of findings;

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Within the text, references are put in square brackets, which indicate the position number in the list of references and page: [8, p. 56-57]. If reference is made to several sources at the same time, their numbers are separated by a comma: [1, 3]. Quotes from scientific articles, monographs, etc. are given in “paired” quotation marks. Notes (at the bottom of the page or at the end of the main text) are not allowed. Illustrations and tables within the article are numbered and accompanied by a title under the figure (table) in the center. Examples of illustrative material are highlighted in italics.

6. An English-language list of references (REFERENCES) meeting the Vancouver Style is at the end of the article. Ukrainian-language sources are transliterated.

The references list should include only those publications that are cited in the text. The titles should be arranged in the order of their mention in the text. The list should include at least 10 sources. The article should contain at least one in-text citation of each source from the references list.

Authors should refer to highly relevant research, especially those obtained from multidisciplinary bibliographic databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the references list.

In order to increase citation indexes, authors should provide DOIs for literature sources. DOIs are provided as full references (

It is not allowed citing and including in the reference list russian-language papers published in any country, including ones written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.