
  • M. Goncharuk-Khomyn

Ключові слова:

Age determination, radiographic technique, pathological attrition, regression analyses, dentine deposition


Method of Kvaal et al., which depends on proportions of specific measurements of tooth and pulp lengths and widths was approbated on 88 digital panoramic X-rays photos of patients with pathological attrition made by Planmeca PROMAX orthopantomograph on the base of Uzhhorod National University Dental Clinic. The mistakes that reaches 24±5,6 years were found during calculation of dental age using primary coefficients proposed by authors of technique. Also were found that the intensity of tertiary dentine deposition has linear regression depends on the pathology it is related to (bruxism, physiological issues, low level of mineralization, occlusal pathology caused by abnormal prosthetic treatment), which affect the result of age determination.


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Костенко Є. Я., Мішалов В. Д., Сливка М. М., Гончарук-Хомин М. Ю. (2013). Клініко-експериментальнеобґрунтуваннясудово-медичноїкласифікаціїстоматологічного статусу. Вісник проблем біології і медицини, (4 (1)), 361-364.

Нагірний, Я. П., Михайличенко, Б. В., Дунаєв, О. В., Гончарук-Хомин, М. Ю. (2014). Актуальніпроблемидентальноїідентифікації в Україні. Вісник проблем біології і медицини, 1(3), 242-247.





