


humanistic education, medical humanism, future doctors, human qualities, training medical students


Medical humanism defines the protection of human life, characterizes its values and ensures the secrecy of the diagnosis or equal care as the main social function of medicine, which must perform tasks guided by scientific knowledge, professional competences, critical thinking and professional skills, despite military actions. After all, the basis of medical humanism is universal norms of moral and morality, which are formed in the process of training future doctors. The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of medical humanism formation in the process of training medical students. The contemporary situation dictates particularly high cultural, ethical and moral requirements for doctors, therefore the humanistic orientation of the educational process should become the key component for healthcare professionals, and the goal of this process is to be the personality. In modern conditions educating future doctors as humanists is a rather difficult process, as the values of the younger generation have changed. Humanistic education develops assertive, empathic and emotional qualities of medical students. Also, the component of humanistic education contributes to a deeper understanding of patients and colleagues, which is extremely important for a future doctor. The goal of humanistic education is to involve the best experience and human qualities in the learning process. Communicative competence is considered to play the central role in the humanistic education of medical students which is closely correlated with the cultural component and medical tact. The truthful content with perfect linguistic speech focuses attention on ethical and deontological and bioethical norms in dealing with patients, their families and colleagues. Therefore, the formation of humanity in future doctors involves the following structural components as cognitive, motivational, behavioral, regulatory, emotional and cultural.


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