interactive infographic, speech disorders, preschoolers with General Speech and Language Disorder, information visualization, children with GSLDAbstract
This article addresses the timely issue of using interactive infographics in speech therapy work with older preschoolers who have speech disorders. It examines the characteristics of monologue speech and its key role in child development, emphasizing the importance of developing coherent speech for social adaptation and cognitive development of preschoolers. The paper thoroughly explores the concept of infographics, its main principles, and objectives in the context of corrective speech therapy work. It highlights the advantages of information visualization, particularly its ability to enhance material retention and stimulate children’s cognitive activity. The article describes the stages of creating infographics for children aged 5–7 with speech disorders, including idea formulation, information gathering and processing, choosing the type of infographic, layout, and structure development. It provides an overview of popular programs and online services for developing infographics, analyzing their features and potential applications in speech therapy practice. Special attention is given to the functions of interactive infographics and their impact on the development of coherent speech, memory, attention, and imaginative thinking in preschoolers. The paper emphasizes that the use of interactive infographics helps increase children’s motivation to learn, making the corrective process more engaging and effective. The article proposes a step-by-step algorithm for working with interactive infographics in speech therapy practice, which includes introducing elements of schemas and symbols, using visual images with text, applying the method of opposites, teaching symbol combination, and independent image search. It stresses the importance of adapting this approach to children’s age characteristics and the specifics of their speech disorders. The work provides practical recommendations for implementing interactive infographic technology in the educational process and preparing educators for its use.
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