education, ecodia, ecoactivity, ecological competence, ecoproject, personality, development, high school studentsAbstract
The article reveals the specifics of the use of the methods "I and my world": "My choice", "My desires", "My attitude", "My qualities", "Mein", which work with eco-project cases "Ecospace of Ukraine of the Future", in particular, on the example of an eco-project related to the problem of preserving high-quality drinking water (eco-project case "Elimination of ecological danger"), which contribute to the formation of environmental competence of high school students in the context of overcoming the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine. To fix the choice of methods, students and teachers selected tables and provided comments on their use; these methods were implemented in basic educational institutions during the formative stage of scientific research. The leading concepts of scientific research are clarified: the process of forming environmental competence in high school students in the context of overcoming the environmental consequences of war, its components, project-research activity of high school students, high school student ecodia as a manifestation of the creative process in a project-oriented educational environment, his eco-activity. The links between the developed and implemented in the educational process methods of forming the ecological competence of high school students "I and my world", which are subject to the idea of the existence of the creative process, which has manifestations in project-research activity, ecodia in human life in order to ensure the needs of the population of Ukraine in ecological clean natural environment, its formation in the modern school society, which is supported by the conscious attitude of students and adults to the problems that exist today and cause their existence to further influence the ecosystem of Ukrainian land, air, and water resources. The focus is on the process of creation, in which the student is the cause of the emergence of the new, the revival of the already existing; along with this, the student can be the cause of the actions and deeds of peers or adults and shape their creative process with their own ecodes; the content of the process of creation in the ecosystem, which involves ecodia, ecoactivity, which is aimed at a real consequence – the creation of the life of all living things that surrounds the student today. The experience of performing actions and deeds by high school students is taken into account as a basis for further ecodias during participation in eco-projects. The process of co-action of adults and high school students in the context of individual reflection of each student is revealed.
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