future teachers, higher education, pedagogical model, quality, educational projectAbstract
The article addresses the urgent issue of developing a pedagogical model for quality management development in educational projects for future teachers. The author substantiates the relevance of the research, drawing on current trends in education, particularly the focus on a competency-based approach, the importance of interdisciplinarity, and the requirements of European integration. The paper provides a thorough analysis of recent scientific research and publications by scholars on pedagogical modeling, professional training of future teachers, and management of educational projects. The aim of the article is to develop and scientifically justify a pedagogical model for quality management development in educational projects for future teachers based on the concept of professional training for pedagogical staff. In the main part of the article, the author reveals the essence of the pedagogical model concept, drawing on the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The author proposes an original definition of the «pedagogical model for quality management development in educational projects for future teachers» as a holistic, structured system of theoretical and methodological approaches, principles, methods, and tools aimed at forming relevant competencies. Considerable attention is given to analyzing the concept of education quality and quality management in educational projects. The author examines various approaches to understanding higher education quality and emphasizes the importance of implementing quality management systems in educational institutions. The article presents the author’s pedagogical model for quality management development in educational projects for future teachers. The model consists of six interrelated blocks: target, content, process, technological, diagnostic- resultative, and implementation conditions. Each block is described in detail, and its role in the overall structure of the model is justified. Special attention is paid to the conditions for implementing the model, which include integrating the concept of project management into curricula, applying interactive teaching methods, practical application of the quality management concept, organizing student teamwork, and using modern information and communication technologies. The article has theoretical and practical significance for the development of pedagogical science and the improvement of the training system for future teachers. The proposed model can be used to develop curricula and courses on quality management of educational projects in higher education institutions.
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