educational institution, inclusive educational environment, psychological and pedagogical readiness of future specialists for a work in an inclusive educational environment, structural components of psychological and pedagogical readiness of future specialists.Abstract
The article focuses attention on general trends in the development of inclusive education in Ukraine, on providing it with a regulatory and legislative framework. The author analyzed several scientific studies of scientists on the problem, formulated her own interpretation of the definition «psychological-pedagogical readiness of future specialists for a work in an inclusive educational environment» as a multi-component integral education that combines acquired professional competences, psychological-pedagogical sciences in particular, the presence of formed moral ethical values, awareness of one's social significance and the ability to act independently in any situation, taking into account the challenges of the time. The structural components of the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future specialist to work in an inclusive class are formulated, among which: motivational-stimulating, competence-based, activity-based, communicatively oriented‚ axiological. The content of each of them is analyzed. It is emphasized that students with SEN require attention from the point of view of «I-personality» in the context of the organization of the educational process, the embodiment of the ideas of humanism, and not on the basis of a «sympathetic» attitude from the point of view of nosology. The method of psychological interaction is recommended, the essence of which is the formation of communication skills in schoolchildren through communication in certain social groups, which involves a psychological influence on the personality of a child with special needs in order to include him in speech interaction. Communication as a complex psychological phenomenon involves establishing contact between individuals, which is sometimes extremely difficult to do in communication with a child with SEN, especially one with autism spectrum disorders. Among the pedagogical technologies of learning, in addition to special methods, a practically oriented one is indicated.
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