
  • O. I. Novitska Ternopil National Medical University named after I. I. Gorbachev of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
  • K. L. Stefanyshyn Ternopil National Medical University named after I. I. Gorbachev of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine



medical worker, business speech, speech culture, professional language, communication.


The article substantiates the importance of the culture of professional speech of a medical worker for establishing contact and friendly relations with patients and colleagues. It is highlighted that the medical professional language is formed and based on the norms of general literary language: accentuation, phonetic, grammatical, lexical and stylistic, recorded in general language dictionaries. It was found that the duty of the future doctor is not only to organize the treatment process, but also to communicate directly with patients, relatives, friends and colleagues of patients. Communication with the patient is one of the most important features in the profession of a doctor. A person who comes to a doctor trusts him with his health, his life, his mind and his feelings. This is why the ethics of the doctor-patient or nurse-patient relationship is so important, because the role of the "man in the white coat" and the degree of trust he engenders can be crucial to the success of treatment. In communication, the entire system of human attitudes towards other people is realized. Modern science considers communication as an exchange of information, interaction, perception of a person by a person. Communication covers various spheres of social interaction of people, in particular professional. Considered important components, conditions and principles affecting the formation of the culture of the professional language of doctors (correctness, literacy, meaningfulness, logic, richness of language, appropriateness and integrity of speech, expressiveness and intonation of speech, independence and others). In order to fully communicate with the patient, the doctor must have the necessary vocabulary and be able to construct sentences correctly, that is, it is appropriate to use a variety of language means, speech techniques, and etiquette forms, which are effective both in personal communication and in collective communication with colleagues and patients. It has been proven that the word plays an extremely important role in the doctor's speech. The doctor must possess language culture; that is, to possess the norms of the literary language at all linguistic levels, in oral and written form, the ability to use linguistic stylistic means in accordance with the conditions and goals of communication, conveying a certain psychocultural context.


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