pedagogy, history of pedagogy, pedagogical personalities, TranscarpathiaAbstract
The pedagogical opinion of Transcarpathia, as a unique multicultural and multi-confessional region, was formed in the course of its historical development in the conditions of defending the right to mother-tongue education, created its own pedagogical traditions, which took into account the national and cultural features of the region and the achievements of European pedagogy at that time. Purpose is to generalize the identification of trends in the formation and development of pedagogical thought in Transcarpathia in the XIX-th century. Methods: search and bibliographic method for studying library catalogs, bibliographic and reference publications in order to study the historical and pedagogical context of the formation of pedagogical science in Transcarpathia; method of classification and systematization of scientific and literary sources to determine the source base and objective data on the research problem; the historical-geographical method in order to determine the influence of the educational policy of various states, which included Transcarpathian lands, on the process of development of pedagogical science in the region; historical-biographical method with the aim of identifying the contribution of outstanding pedagogical personalities to the development of pedagogical science. Results. The formation and development of pedagogical thought in Transcarpathia in the XIX-th century was marked by such trends as the intensification of the participation of representatives of public and political organizations and literary figures in the spread of education and schooling, conducting large-scale educational work on clarifying the importance of education in human life; justification and implementation of the idea of nationality, compliance with a certain culture and national-patriotic orientation of the educational process (A. Dobryanskyi, V. Dovhovych, O. Dukhnovych, A. Kralytskyi, M. Luchkai, I. Rakovskyi, A. Repai, I. Siljvai, E. Fentsyk, I. Churhovych, etc.); defending the right to mother-tongue education and the opening of schools with the Ruthenian language of instruction (A. Dobryanskyi, V. Dovhovych, O. Dukhnovych, A. Kralytskyi, M. Luchkai, I. Rakovskyi, A. Repai, E. Fentsyk, etc.); raising the role of the teacher in the formation of the personality of pupils, improving the professional training of teachers for folk schools (O. Dukhnovych, M. Luchkai, A. Repai, E. Fentsyk, I. Churhovych, etc.); spiritual and religious (O. Duhnovych, I. Siljvai, I. Churhovych, etc.), moral and ethical (O. Dukhnovych, A. Kralytskyi, O. Pavlovych, I. Siljvai, etc.), aesthetic and labor oriented (O. Dukhnovych, A. Repai, E. Fentsyk, etc.) of the educational process in folk schools; intensification of textbook creation activities (O. Dukhnovych, A. Kralytskyi, O. Pavlovych, A. Repai, E. Fentsyk, etc.). The leading pedagogue and theoretician of the second half of the XIX-th century was Oleksandr Dukhnovych, the author of the first manual on pedagogy for teachers of folk schools not only in Transcarpathia, but also in Western Ukraine.
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