primary school, reading competence, work with children’s books, reading lesson, classroom and extracurricular readingAbstract
The article examines modern approaches to working with a children’s book during a reading lesson in primary school. The relevance of the problem, the state of its research in the scientific and methodological literature have been clarified. It was determined that the primary school works according to the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the new State Standard, Standard Educational Programs, textbooks “Ukrainian Language and Reading”, which changed the approaches to reading lessons and their content. Based on this, research by scientists on the issue of working with children’s books has been intensified, some of them have been analyzed. The purpose of this article is to find out the specifics of working with a children’s book in a reading lesson in primary school. The tasks were: determination of the content of work with a children’s book, methodical features of its implementation. In order to achieve the goal and set tasks, the requirements and content of the Standard educational programs of the linguistic and literary educational field are specified for the "Reading" content line. It was found that the work with the children’s book is systematic and is carried out in all reading lessons in two directions: in the process of processing artistic texts and in extracurricular reading lessons. The author gives individual examples of working with a children’s book in a reading lesson, emphasizing the interrelationships of classroom and extracurricular reading lessons, and points out the role of the core of the book created in the classroom. It is emphasized that the use of innovative teaching methods and the use of interesting types of reading, games in particular, which arouse interest in artistic texts, children’s books, are important in the teacher’s work. Creative tasks become important for the development of students’ cognitive skills. Individual examples of them are given and the implementation methodology is explained. It is emphasized that extracurricular reading lessons (working with children’s books) are aimed at developing schoolchildren’s reading interest, broadening their horizons, and attracting younger schoolchildren to the literary heritage of domestic and foreign writers. All the work with the children’s book is aimed at the development of reading competence in younger schoolchildren, universal human values that are formed by the Ukrainian democratic society. The importance of a high-quality selection of children’s works for extracurricular reading recommended by the teacher is indicated.
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