
  • Oksana Vasylivna Svyda



communication, communicative competence, children with intellectual disabilities, speech activity, communication culture


In the article reveals the theoretical foundations of the formation of communicative competence of students with intellectual disabilities in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. Modern scientific investigations of scientists and methodologists regarding the development of communication skills among schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities are summarized, methods that contribute to this process are determined. It was found out that communication is the process of exchanging information (facts, ideas, views, emotions, etc.) between two or more persons, communication using verbal and non-verbal means for the purpose of transmitting and receiving information, interaction of communication participants, perception and cognition by people. There is a distinction between internal stimulus to communication – initiated by the need of the person himself and external – initiated by another person. It was determined that the basis of communicative activity is the situation of communication. In the conditions of the educational process, the situation is set by the teacher and the teacher’s assistant. Communicability implies the possession of certain communication skills. The groups of communication skills were clarified: communication (speech); perceptive (ability to perceive); interactive (the ability to interact in the process of communication). It was determined that the formation of communicative competence of children with intellectual disabilities in the conditions of learning in an inclusive class has its own characteristics, which are caused by the specifics of perceiving and memorizing educational material. In the conditions of the educational process in classes with inclusive education, it is extremely important for the teacher’s assistant to build a program for the development of coherent speech at four levels: lexical, pronunciation, word combinations and sentences, and text. Communicative competence of a student with intellectual disabilities involves: mastery of speech, the ability to communicate with others, overcoming language barriers, observing the culture of communication, and the ability to communicate non-verbally. Practicing teachers, teacher assistants have the opportunity to develop an individual child development program on a scientific basis, which includes a system of work for the formation of communication skills.


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