educational reforms, systemic educational transformations, history of pedagogy, TranscarpathiaAbstract
The study and analysis of the causes, progress and consequences of the reforms, which during the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries depended on the educational policy of various states (Austria- Hungary, the Czechoslovak Republic), to which Transcarpathia was territorially subordinated, will allow us to separate their achievements and actualize positive retro experience in modern conditions of implementation of educational reforms, in particular, in the coordination of educational processes within the multicultural region of Transcarpathia in a unified state educational policy aimed at the consolidation of society in the interests of protecting and defending the integrity and independence of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to identify the peculiarity and trends of educational reforms in Transcarpathia in the second half of the XIX-th and early XX-th centuries. Research methods: search and bibliographic for the study of library catalogs, bibliographic and reference publications in order to study the historical and pedagogical context of reforming education and schooling in Transcarpathia; classification and systematization of scientific and literary sources to determine the conceptual and categorical apparatus and objective data on the research problem; historical and geographical in order to determine the influence of the educational policy of various states, which included Transcarpathian lands, on the process of reforming the education sector; historical and paradigmatic in order to identify the peculiarity and trends of educational reforms. The results. The educational reform of 1868 was initiated at the government level and activated as a result of the adoption of the XXXVIII Law ‘On Public Education’, which led to systemic and structural transformations (structuring of educational levels, clear regulation of study periods, establishment of the vertical ‘state – public self-government – school’), organizational-educational (definition of requirements for educational institutions, secularization from the church, consolidation of the right to mother-tongue education, compulsory primary education) and pedagogical-content (standardization of curricula, educational programs, state control of the content of education) levels. The consequences of the reform of 1868 contributed to the expansion of the network of educational institutions, contributed to the intensification of textbooks, methodical literature for teachers, pedagogical magazines, etc. Educational reform of the 20–30s of the XX-th century had the character of ‘top-down’ with simultaneous broad support at the local level due to the active participation in its implementation of the School Essay of the Civil Administration of Subcarpathian Rus and the advanced pedagogical community of the edge. The reform was characterized by systemic educational transformations at the systemic and structural level (understanding of educational processes as an integral part of state formation, educational institutions as means of development of human society, expansion of the network of educational institutions in mountainous and remote areas, development of vocational training institutions), at the organizational and educational level (meeting the needs of different nationalities in mother tongue education, overcoming the illiteracy of the local population, establishing a mandatory eight-year education) and pedagogical-content level (democratization and humanization of the content of education, local history and state-building nature of education, standardization of the content of education, variability of education, etc.).
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