Social determinants of individual and public health: from the assessment problems to the development of practical measures




social determinants of health, communication, public health, non-communicable diseases, lifestyle.


Objective is to evaluate the objective manifestations of social determinants and compare them with the subjective beliefs of the population of Ukraine on the impact of social factors on public or individual health. Materials and methods. Data about the level of education, specialty, satisfaction (health, salary, work, friends, family), health literacy (smoking, stereotypes, hand washing, vaccination), and level of physical activity measured by the self-assessment and by the analysis of typical motor practices were analyzed. Results. Persons who consider family and friends to be important factors influencing public health demonstrated a higher objective level of physical activity (family: 6,9 p. vs 5,4 p., p=0,01229; friends: 7,2 p. vs 5,4 p., p=0,01084). The higher objective level of physical activity is also demonstrated by persons who consider self-consciousness as an important factor of individual health (7,4 p. vs 5,6 p., p=0,01663). The attitude towards the determinants of public health is a reflection of theoretical knowledge, and the typical practices of a particular person are more related to the attitude toward personal health determinants. As a result of regression analysis, it is established that attitudes toward social determinants of health do not show a statistically significant impact on preparedness for a lifestyle change. Conclusions. There is a significant difference in the perception of personal and public health, which should be taken into account when developing information campaigns in health care. Improving the efficiency of communication campaigns is possible by demonstrating ways to minimize the role of obstacles to a healthier lifestyle.


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