The effect of TES therapy on the local immune response and the search for prospective biomarkers of the treatment process after surgical interventions in the oral cavity




local immune response, biomarkers, transcranial electrical stimulation.


This article investigates the effect of transcranial electrical stimulation on the state of the local immune response in patients after the extraction of wisdom teeth in mixed saliva. It has been established that the use of this method contributes to the increase of secretory immunoglobulin values to normal and the reduction of pro-inflammatory interleukins: IL1 β – with a single application of TES therapy and IL6 and TNF-α with a double application of TES therapy. Dynamic correlations between immune and bacterial indicators were found, and the most promising biomarkers of this treatment process were presented. The authors proved the effectiveness of the use of TEC therapy in patients after the removal of wisdom teeth, namely the positive effect on the state of local immunity in the oral cavity, and proved the relationship between immune and bacterial indicators that were isolated from the saliva of the studied patients.


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