The biological action of mineral water as a method of correction/regulation of microbial composition in non-communicable diseases




microbiome, non-communicable diseases, microorganisms, mineral water


Disruption of the microbiota leads to chronic inflammation, which in turn is a trigger for non-communicable diseases. It should be noted that cardiovascular dysfunction and a number of neurological conditions are not only related to obesity, but can also be caused by an imbalance in the human microbiome.It has been shown that micro- and macro-elementoses are equally characteristic of both overweight and obese people, and are characterised by an imbalance in the microbial balance of the gut. In general, the main approaches to correcting the microbiota involve the implementation of individualised approaches with the help of food (diet), various types of biopreparations, including the new generation (postbiotics, etc.). However, little attention has been paid to the consumption of beverages and their effect on the microbial balance of the human gut. This does not apply to products such as: fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies and other types of products available on the market, we are talking about the use of drinking and mineral water. It is known that the redox potential, which controls inflammation, is determined by the solvent in the drink, especially water. The mineral waters of the Transcarpathian region have been sufficiently studied from the point of view of their physicochemical parameters, but there are no studies on their effect on the main microbial representatives of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to their different compositions typical for certain diseases. The mineral waters of the Transcarpathian region are an excellent basis for spa treatment. There are more than 20 deposits of subthermal, thermal and hyperthermal waters in the region. The Golubyn mineral water deposit of the Mukachevo district is characterised by carbonated, medium-mineralised hydrogen-carbonate-sodium water. In view of the above, the purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of mineral water and its ability to regulate the composition of microorganisms in various diseases. It was found that the mineral water studied in obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, namely corrects the balance between opportunistic and commensal microorganisms.


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