
  • А.В. Бокоч
  • Ю.М. Бунь
  • Г. Нокашидже
  • І.В. Град


esthetic rehabilitation, disproportion, digital analysis Digital Smile Design


Based on clinical case and technical database to conduct retrospective analysis of abilities esthetical and functional rehabilitation with patients which have disproportional and discolorated teeth in esthetic area.As a clinical case was considered the situation of correction aesthetic sideview of the smile and also functional characteristics of the 28-years old patient’s dentition, who complained with unesthetic view of her teeth.Digital analysis of smile’s esthetic options was conducted using application software MS Power Point (Microsoft Office, 2015) and principles of Digital Smile Design.For the purpose of objectivization relevant aesthetic criteria in the same cases we adapted the criteria of a pink and white esthetic PES (pink esthetic score)/WES (white esthetic score).Methodological analysis of the literature was made by using searchical systems (Google Scholar, Pub Med) including the principle of sampling relevant database by the key words.Results. Protocol’s implementation of digital graphic analysis the facial and intraoral options by the image processing also using the application software allows not only determine the range of acceptable individual esthetic characteristics, but also it can clearly demonstrate to patient expected results,agreeing with him some moments of medical treatment, and it provides maximal approximate results of the future results. Esthetic rehabilitation of patient with a disproportion and discolorite of the teeth in the esthetic area can be provided by the argumentative orthopedic approach with sufficient explanation of some specific stages of smile’s complex correction and the morphofunctional options of some teeth, which are the components of dentoalveolar system.


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