Expert assessment of changes in blood lipid peroxidation of dental patients who were exposed to small doses of ionizing radiation




radiation, periodontitis, periodontosis, periodontal disease, tooth-alveolar complex, erythrocytes


The aim of study. To study the dental status and biochemical parameters of lipid metabolism of erythrocytes in persons permanently residing in radiation contaminated territory. Material and methods. Biochemical parameters of blood red blood cells, dental status of persons permanently residing in radiation contaminated territory. Results. With long-term radiation, patients develop severe periodontitis and multiple caries. In the lipid complex of erythrocytes blood revealed a tendency to disturb the structure of biomembranes during activation of processes of lipid peroxidation. Conclusions. The results of the studies indicate that the long-term effect of small doses of ionizing radiation activates the processes of peroxidation in periodontal tissues, which causes inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the medical correction of the observed dental diseases in patients who live for a long time in radiation-contaminated areas, which will improve the quality of life of such patients.


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