The necessity of radiological examination of patients, as a component of the algorithm for extraction of mandibular molars




lower third molar, mandibular molars, tooth extraction operation, mandible, defect of bone tissue


The operation of extraction of the mandibular third molars is a significant problem for dentists-surgeons, the complexity of which varies depending on the experience of the doctor, the direction of inclination and the depth of the tooth, the features of the mandibular structure and the presence of a general somatic disease in the patient. Despite a significant number of studies, there is currently no generally recognized method of performing this surgical intervention, which would be generally recognized and statistically significantly reduce the level of development of iatrogenic complications. The purpose of the study was to establish the need for a radial examination of patients before surgery of lower molars extraction. Research materials and methods: we analyzed 50 cases of removal of lower third molars, each patient was previously subjected to cone-beam computer diagnostics. Presentation of the main research material. Analyzing the CR CT data, it was established that in no case was there enough space in the jaw for the eruption of the lower third molar. In 12% of cases, the tooth had a vertical position, in only 2% it was almost horizontal, and in the vast majority of cases (86%) the lower third molar was mesially inclined. It should be noted that the lower third molar erupted completely in 10% of cases, in 46% – partial retention and in 44% full retention of the tooth was noted. There was no statistically significant gender or age difference with the direction of inclination and depth of wisdom tooth placement. In one patient, it was found that the lower third molar was missing from the opposite side. Conclusion. Therefore, taking into account the obtained results, the need for a preliminary venous examination of patients who are scheduled to have their lower third molar removed is confirmed, which helps to plan the surgical intervention and, thus, can reduce the risk of developing postoperative complications.


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