
  • Є.Я. Костенко
  • О.В. Савчук
  • Ю.М. Бунь

Ключові слова:

probiotics, oral cavity, dental status


Depending on the different composition of the variational microbiom, diseases of the oral cavity can be manifested in different individuals by different ways, modified by the duration and features of clinical manifestations. Study of the stability and modification of microbial composition of the oral cavity under normal conditions and under the influence of various provocative factors will contribute to the development of individually-based preventive schemes in order to prevent the development of mechanisms that compromise the state of dental status. In cases of early verification of the composition of the microbiom of the oral cavity and its changes at a stage between stage 1 and stage 2 in accordance with the trajectory diagram of Loe and as a result of the implementation of individualized treatment regimens with the use of probiotics, it will be possible to reduce the trajectory A (development of middle / severe forms of pathology) and increase levels of trajectories B (with the risk of development of mild forms of pathology) and C (with the absence of pathologies) relative to previous levels.


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